Find out the leading pub companies with The MA Top 100 Pubcos



If you want to know which pub companies are ahead of the rest in the UK, you need to read The MA Top 100 Pubcos.

This feature article not only gives a rundown on the largest pubcos in the on-trade, it also features a breakdown of the pubs market, a spotlight on the ‘big six’ and some of their operating pub models and an update on the pubs code, which regulates the relationship between the big six and their tenants.

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There’s so much more to this fascinating feature, which is sponsored by by EPoS expert Tabology and labour scheduling platform

What’s more, access to The MA Top 100 Pubcos is available absolutely free and you can gain access to it by simply filling in the details on this page.

The article features Fiona Dickie, the pubs code adjudicator, who gives The Morning Advertiser the lowdown on the latest in her work and explains exactly what her office’s role is.

Serious punch

Meanwhile, the spotlight is directed at some of the smaller players in the market such as the Chickpea Group, Little Door & Co and Urban Pubs & Bars – and these pubcos pack a serious punch in the on-trade sector.

There is also a look at the wet v dry situation where we look at how pubs have had to diversify their offer and while food has increased in popularity some of the very best operations remain wet-led pubs.

And finally, we have a list of the top 100 pubcos from the No.1 which runs the most sites down to a group of pubcos that are still operating plenty of sites at the bottom of the charts.

This content is provided by William Reed, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of

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