How many chips make the perfect portion?

The issue of chip portion sizes made the headlines this week when Greene King was forced to apologise to a customer who received only six chips with her fish and chip meal.

Greene King offered a free meal to the customer when she complained after dining at the Jolly Miller site in West Derby, Liverpool, which is part of the Flaming Grill brand. 

According to reports, diner Tina Doherty was stunned when her fish and chips meal arrived with just six chips on the plate. Pub bosses apologised for the mistake, saying the portion size did not meet its guidelines. 

The story went national, with reports in the Daily Mail and Metro, and prompted a flurry of concern over how many chips pubs should be serving customers, as they are a pub staple and a major element on pub menus.

In light of the importance of chips to the pub sector, The Morning Advertiser conducted its own Twitter poll asking what the perfect portion of chips should be.

There were 185 votes on the issue, with over half of those polled (54%) claiming there should be more than 20 chips to make the perfect portion.

Just over a third (37%) said 15 chips was the perfect portion while, unsurprisingly, only 6% voted for 10 chips and 3% for six chips.

There was an outcry as people responded to the Twitter handle #chipgate.