
The joy of pubs: Licensing committees are often too quick to dismiss a pub, which can bring a lot to an area

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

‘The only really quiet pub is a closed pub’

By Poppleston Allen

While the message that pubs play an important role within communities is increasingly appreciated at Government level, it has not always trickled down to local authorities.

On the door: ensure door staff are SIA-registered

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: summary reviews and noise complaints

By Poppleston Allen

The latest legal Q&A from specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen covers summary reviews and noise complaints.

I’ll drink to that:  Signs that a wet led offer may be back on the rise

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Are wet-led pubs back on the rise?

By Poppleston Allen

As several recent headlines indicate that wet-led offers may be back on the rise, specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen consider what operators looking to change from dining to wet-led should be aware of

Ground rules: If someone refuses to be searched on entry, do not let them in

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Top tips: Make your venue safer with searches

By Poppleston Allen

With the seemingly ever-increasing risk of knife crime, here are some useful reminders about searching customers.

Plan ahead: it’s often fun in the sun but heed the advice regarding neighbours

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Top tips: beware of the noise in beer gardens

By Poppleston Allen

During the Easter break, one of my highlights was sitting with friends in a beautiful little beer garden for an evening spent catching up over a gin and tonic or two.

By the book: legalities must be qualified when facing an interview under caution

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Being interviewed under caution

By Poppleston Allen

When a regulator has carried out an inspection or been called to a premises after an accident, you may then receive a letter asking a company representative or an individual to take part in an interview under caution.

Stay legal: Most councils will require you to have a pavement licence

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Top tips if you’re planning to go alfresco

By Poppleston Allen

As the evenings grow longer and (we hope) the temperature rises, operators up and down the country will be looking to capitalise on the demand for alfresco drinking and dining.

Flag it up: Many areas with a cumulative impact policy have Purple Flag status, meaning they are recognised as diverse, safe and enjoyable at night

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Stay on top of your stress areas

By Poppleston Allen

You may be familiar with the concept of cumulative impact policies, also known as 'stress areas', where the local authority has determined that the number of licensed premises in a particular area is having a negative impact on one of more of...

Legal Q&A: what do pubs need to know about responding to staff accidents and converting outdoor spaces?

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: Staff slips and maximising space

By Poppleston Allen

Specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen's latest legal Q&A looks at best practice following a staff accident and what operators need to know before converting outdoor space.

Get involved: Make sure your pub isn’t affected by complacency

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Top tips: Early intervention could save a business

By Poppleston Allen

We have all been there. We have received information asking for our views and ignored it. We then become frustrated and complain when a decision affects our business or livelihood even though it’s as a result of our complacency.

Mini rant: Mistakes happen but the latest legislation could stifle sensible discussion and resolution

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Best to keep mum

By Poppleston Allen

Mistakes happen but the most recent legislation could be said to make sensible discussions and rectification more difficult

Failed test purchase: 'Once you have determined exactly what happened, enter into open dialogue with the licensing officer', says Poppleston Allen

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: Failed test purchases and closure notices

By Poppleston Allen

Specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen's latest legal Q&A looks at best practice following a failed test purchase and what steps an operator can take in response to a ‘s19 closure notice’.

Checking ID: Do not rely on your door staff to stop all potential underage customers

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Top tips: have a strong age verification policy

By Poppleston Allen

Every premises licence that authorises the sale of alcohol is subject to a mandatory condition that an age verification policy will be in place.

Between the lines:Despite pub closures, the trade has remained steady and there has even been an increase in jobs in the on-trade

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Where have all the pubs gone?

By Poppleston Allen

The news has been full of doom and gloom of late. A trip to the pub could prove to be the perfect distraction but, if recent figures are to be believed, your small local pub may soon be no more.

Reel to reel: Tips on keeping gaming machines in pubs

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

'What happens if an under-18 uses my gambling machine?'

By Poppleston Allen

Many pub and club operators holding premises licences under the Licensing Act 2003 operate gaming machines within their premises, often under a notification for two machines or a Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit (LPGMP).

Clocking on: make sure that your operating hours are legal

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: British summer time and duty manager displays name

By Poppleston Allen

Specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen's latest legal Q&A looks at how the clocks going forwards impacts a pub licence and whether or not pubs need to put duty manager names on display.

Illegal workers: There are warnings in the guidance on other associated criminal activities

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Right to work in the UK rules

By Poppleston Allen

It is stating the obvious that everybody you employ must have a right to work in the UK.

Table manners: rules vary from council to council

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: pavement café licenses and door staff numbers

By Poppleston Allen

Specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen's latest legal Q&A looks at the rules governing door staff numbers and pavement-side tables and chairs.

Sound advice: a noise limiter could be agreed with the council

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Top tips: beware of noise pollution from spring

By Poppleston Allen

As you might have already noticed, the nights and mornings have got that little bit lighter of late. And it is only a few weeks now until you will need to put your clocks forward; meaning that nicer weather is hopefully on its way.

No appetite yet: changes to the late-night levy policy are likely to include food premises such as kebab shops and not just pubs

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Late-night levy changes are close

By Poppleston Allen

As you may be aware Southwark and Redbridge have become the latest London boroughs to throw their hats into the late-night levy ring, confirming they both intend to consult on adopting a levy, with a view to taking effect in September and October 2019...

Legislative timeline: what changes have passed through Parliament since The Morning Advertiser was founded 225 years ago

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Putting the house in order

By Poppleston Allen

Specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen unravels legislative twists and turns affecting the pub trade in the past 225 years.

Delegated responsibility: personal licence holders can authorise others to sell alcohol

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: freepour warning

By Poppleston Allen

Specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen's latest legal Q&A looks at the rules governing free-pouring and personal licences.

Spell it out: be precise when setting out your plans for door staff

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal top tips: How simple errors can prove costly

By Poppleston Allen

Sometimes the easiest of tasks pose the direst of consequences if you get them wrong. I have often seen applications rejected, stalled or have unintended consequences for the simplest of mistakes.

Children in pubs: Poppleston Allen's Graeme Cushion discusses what pub operators need to know about youngsters in pubs

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Need to know: children in pubs

By Poppleston Allen

The questions of whether children can work in licensed premises or indeed be in those premises as a customer are ones that sometimes cause confusion and therefore may benefit from some clarification.

Spring into life: using inflatables comes with safety implications

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Make sure your checks don’t bounce

By Poppleston Allen

This may well seem a little premature, but we all know how quickly the warmer weather will come around, with Easter bank holiday weekend only a couple of months away – the outdoor events will start up again before you know it.

Customer care: alcohol self-service could mean risks over licensing objectives

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Self service in pubs – risk or reward?

By Poppleston Allen

A trend towards allowing customers to pour their own beer could mean risks over the licensing objectives

Time’s up: drinking-up time is at your discretion

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal Q&A: drinking up time and country pub refurb

By Poppleston Allen

The latest legal Q&A from specialist licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen examines the laws around drinking-up time when filing TENs and country pub refurb.

Basic advice: seasoned staff as well as juniors can use these tips

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Legal top tips: advice working at licensed premises

By Poppleston Allen

With a son who has just started a part-time job working behind a bar while at university, it seemed the right time to share the pearls of wisdom I have given him on some of the things he needs to watch out for.

Compliance check: make sure you know which regulations apply to your business says Poppleston Allen's Hannah Price

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Need to know: protecting your business from potential prosecution

By Poppleston Allen

Whether you are looking to take over an existing premises or starting from scratch, it is not always clear which regulations apply to your business and how you achieve compliance with them.

Expert opinion: Lisa Sharkey doesn't see much early impact for licensing from Brexit negotiations

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

How could Brexit affect licensing laws for pubs?

By Poppleston Allen

With less than nine months to go until the UK leaves the European Union (EU), Lisa Sharkey, managing partner at law firm Poppleston Allen, outlines the impact Brexit could have on the country’s licensing laws.

How to understand local council's statement of licensing policy

Legal advice

How to understand local council's statement of licensing policy

By Poppleston Allen

A local authority's statement of licensing policy (SOLP) outlines the licensing information in the area and can affect a premises under the council's care. Legal experts, Poppleston Allen give advice on how to understand the statement.

A year of change ahead

A year of change ahead

By Peter Coulson

There will be many readers who remember the period of transition from one licensing system to another, back in 2005, as one long confusion. Certainly the protracted period of change, complexities of the forms, the delays of local authorities and general...

Bill is set to change licensing laws

Health boards get say on licensing

By Ewan Turney

Authorities will be able to take into consideration the impact of licensing on public health, under new Government plans to overhaul licensing. The...

Coulson: dangerous for politicians to be involved in licensing

Politicians' licence to intrude

By Peter Coulson

Politicians becoming directly involved in the licensing process does nothing to address the underlying issue of the binge culture, says Peter Coulson.

Coulson: police should not express a personal view

A return for 'fit and proper'?

By Peter Coulson

MA legal editor Peter Coulson considers whether police should be able to object to a licence on health grounds.

Coulson: lack of willingness to challenge behaviour in higher authority

Not an appealing prospect

By Peter Coulson

One of the major differences between the workings of the old 1964 Licensing Act and the current 2003 version is the lack of clarity about what the law actually means, says Peter Coulson.