The Publican’s Morning Advertiser: Brands Report 2013



Gleaning insider knowledge in terms of which brands are selling well in the UK’s pubs and bars can save you time and money. So, don’t leave your stock decisions to chance and instead download the Brands Report 2013 today — it’s a valuable insight into which drinks are booming, as well as those that are becoming less enticing.

This content is provided by William Reed, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of

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There’s more than one way to pay the bar tab

There’s more than one way to pay the bar tab

Paid for and content provided by William Reed

With more pubgoers shifting to card payments when eating and drinking out, we spoke with seasoned operator George Arkell of Arkell’s Brewery and Melinda Roylett of Lloyds Bank to find out the impact on businesses and how it can improve customer experience.

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