CAMRA to champion small ciders and perries

Licensees are being urged to stock real cider and perry during October to celebrate the first ever National Cider Month, launched by the Campaign for...

Licensees are being urged to stock real cider and perry during October to celebrate the first ever National Cider Month, launched by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).

CAMRA has embarked on a crusade to raise the profile of real ciders and perries from Britain's largely unknown independent producers and, in doing so, loosen the 90 per cent stranglehold of the two major cider producers - Scottish Courage and Matthew Clark.

Mike Benner, head of campaigns and communications, said: "CAMRA wants to see more real ciders on sale in local pubs and is calling on pub companies to make it a policy to allow their pub tenants to stock at least one real cider or perry throughout the month of October."

CAMRA hopes the inaugural National Cider and Perry month will lead to a greater knowledge and appreciation of real cider among drinkers weaned on what it describes as the usual "mass-produced national brands".

Mr Benner said: "It's a matter of choice. The biggest two cider producers have about 90 per cent of the market while over 100 independent producers share the remaining 10 per cent.

"Real ciders and perries are a natural living product made using nothing more than fruit and water.

"It is the different methods and varieties of fruit which give each one a unique and distinctive taste and aroma which cannot possibly be matched by the bland pasteurised national ciders.

"We think customers will be bowled over by how good they taste and urge the licensee to stock them on a regular basis."

Simon Russell, spokesperson for both Matthew Clark, maker of Blackthorn cider, and the National Association of Cider Makers (NACM), said: "We are very happy that CAMRA wants to celebrate the great heritage of making cider and perry in the UK, it is after all what we are all about at the NACM.

"One thing I am very confident about is that the great breadth of different cider styles give consumers many occasions to enjoy cider and perry.

"That can be achieved by focusing on what is good about a particular style of cider or product without the need to detract from another style or a product that many people enjoy.

"There are many lapsed and occasional cider drinkers that can be encouraged to drink cider more regularly as well as persuading existing cider drinkers to try something else."

For a list of cider and perry makers and suppliers, log-on to or call CAMRA on 01727 867201.

Related articles:

CAMRA launches National Cider and Perry month (19 September 2003)