Luminar denies targeting rivals

Luminar Leisure has denied accusations that it wants to wipe out late-night pub competition.The High Court this week backed the nightclub operator's...

Luminar Leisure has denied accusations that it wants to wipe out late-night pub competition.

The High Court this week backed the nightclub operator's claim that a Wetherspoon pub in Norwich did not qualify for a late-night licence.

At the moment a special hours certificate, which allows alcohol to be sold after 11pm, can only be granted if the sale of alcohol is secondary to entertainment such as dancing or live music or the sale of food.

Luminar argued that Norwich's Lloyds No.1 was breaking the law because, despite holding a special hours certificate, the venue was nothing more than a late-night pub.

Eddie Gershon, spokesman for Wetherspoon, spoke out against the ruling and confirmed the pub company was going to appeal against it. He said: "It doesn't matter how Luminar dresses it up it was based purely on not wanting the extra competition."

Luminar director Steve Dennis rejected this: "We totally dismiss the suggestion that we sought the review for any other reason other than to ensure that everyone is complying with the law."

Experts say it is unlikely this case will be of major impact to the industry because of the new Licensing Act.

Suzanne Davies, from's legal team Joelson Wilson, said: "At the moment there is this ridiculous test to ensure that the sale of alcohol is secondary to music and dancing or food.

"The new legislation ensures that when licensees apply for a premises licence, they will have to provide information about the hours they want. It reforms this archaic part of the law."