Chipwatch- raising the standard of Pub Chips The Griffin Inn, Fletching, East Sussex

These chips were of the skins-on-can't-decide-if-we-are-wedges-or-chips variety

CHIP REVIEW: The Griffin Inn, Fletching, East Sussex - £2.50 - These chips were of the "skins on can't decide if we are wedges or chips" variety. Satisfying lumps of chipped potato as thick as dockers' thumbs. Beautiful.

CHIP FACT: More than 500 years ago, when the potato had only just arrived in Europe,people believed it had medicinal properties. If a king, emperor or pope was ill, he would be presented with potatoes. The potato plant itself was also thought to have a therapeutic effect and early in the 17th century it was prescribed for diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy and syphilis.

CHIP TIPS - Chip supplier Aviko has the following tips on achieving perfect chips:

Storage: Store frozen chips at a temperature of -18 °C, chilled chips at 0°C to 4°C.

Temperature: Chips should be fried at a temperature of 170°C. This gives a nice and crispy chip with a golden colour.

Frying time: Frying basket should contain no more than 50% of its capacity or oil temperature will drop too rapidly resulting in unevenly cooked chips. Fry the frozen chips 3 to 4 minutes until crispy and golden yellow. Chilled chips only require 2 to 3 minutes. Shake the basket regularly during frying to ensure even cooking.

Crispiness: After frying chips the basket should not be held hanging over the frying oil as chips will loose their crispiness and become soggy.

Purity: Remove product residue such as crumbs regularly to keep the frying oil as clean as possible. The oil should also be filtered daily. This will enhance the quality and economic life of the oil. Similarly, keep the immediate vicinity of the deep-fat fryer clean. It's important to never fry chips in oil that has been used for other purposes such as frying snacks or fish.

Frying oil quality: Use high-quality frying oil. If it starts to smoke, foam or turn dark brown at 170°C you are already too late. Do not mix different types of oil and when changing the oil - it must always be fully replaced as it will keep in optimum condition longer.

Thermostat: Check that your thermostat is working properly at regular time intervals for the correct temperature. If the fryer is not used for some time reduce temperature as it will enhance the oil quality and its economic life.

Packaging: Handle chips with care. Make a few holes in the packaging when the chips are in a closed box to allow steam to escape.