A group of disgruntled Enterprise Inns licensees from Sheffield are meeting tonight as part of a bid for "fairer rent" and freedom from the beer tie.
The first official Sheffield Enterprise Inns Tenants Group is part of a campaign to highlight what they claim is "unfair" treatment by the company, over beer prices and rent levels.
The group says it wants the chance to go to a "truly independent" rent tribunal and freeing from the tie because some, they claim, have to pay up to 70 per cent more than free trade outlets for beer.
Local MPs Clive Betts and Richard Caborn have confirmed they will attend the meeting at the Farm Road Sports and Social Club, while four others have been invited including Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg.
But a spokesman for Enterprise Inns, referring to some of the campaigning licensees said: "Sadly, a number of those named in recent articles have declined to disclose any meaningful information concerning their current business circumstances and therefore made it impossible for us to assist them despite our best efforts."
He added: "Enterprise is continuing to provide support at the rate of £1.4m per month to deserving licensees.
"When our assistance is sought, we ask for a reasonable level of information to be provided in order to enable us to work out the appropriate level and nature of support which can be provided."
Enterprise says that a licensee signs up to a lease in "full knowledge" of the pricing structure and that two thirds of its lessees receives discounts off wholesale prices, ranging from £32 to £100 per barrel.