TLC Inns recruits Enterprise manager

TLC Inns, the award-winning multi-site pub company with three Enterprise leases and two freeholds, has recruited a long-serving Enterprise Inns regional manager to become its first operations manager.

The company, run by husband-and-wife team Steve Haslam and Jo Drain, has recruited Russell Dawson, an Enterprise senior regional manager with 10 years’ experience at the company.

Dawson will take over day-to-day responsibility for overseeing the company’s pubs.

TLC Inns was founded with three Enterprise Inns leases. In the past 18 months or so it has added two freeholds bought from Punch Taverns — the Henny Swan, near Sudbury, Suffolk, and the Catherine Wheel in Albury, near Ware, Hertfordshire, a Punch freehold, acquired off an asking price of £600,000.

Haslam said: “This key appointment will allow us to devote more time to the development of the business — we are looking at a number of options.”