JD Wetherspoon adds new ‘gourmet’ burgers to menus

JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has announced the addition of three new ‘gourmet’ burgers to its menu. 

The three burgers are made from 100% British beef (Scottish beef in the pub chain’s Scottish pubs) and join the seven burgers already available on JDW menus across the UK.

They are: the Ultimate Burger, with bacon, cheese, burger sauce and gherkin; the Rarebit Burger, with bacon, cheese blended with British amber ale, Worcestershire sauce and English mustard; and the BBQ Burger, available with beef, grilled chicken or fried buttermilk chicken and bacon, cheese and BBQ sauce.

JDW chairman Tim Martin announced yesterday that the company would offer staff working zero-hour contracts the opportunity to switch to guaranteed hours.

Time Martin told BuzzFeed News that a trial, which saw four out of five workers claim they preferred a contract securing them a minimum number of hours each week, was so popular it would be rolled out nationwide.

He said: “It used to be called ‘hourly pay’ and we’ve probably all done hourly pay. That was just the way things were.

“Then someone came up with the term ‘zero hours’ on it and everyone realised ‘oh yeah, there is no guaranteed hours’. We’ve already offered guaranteed hours contracts to a percentage of our workforce and they’ll all be offered one in the next three months.”