Daily bulletin - Monday 6 April

The Morning Advertiser's editor Ed Bedington delivers a rundown of the latest news for pubs regarding coronavirus including reaction to the British Beer & Pub Association's statement on the use of grants.

Further reading:

  • Pubco bosses: ‘cancelling pub rents will leave the sector in disarray’ - There are growing calls from across the sector for pubcos to cancel rents entirely during the coronavirus crisis.
  • Social media uproar over 'pubco protection' - Angry commentators have let rip on social media in response to the British Beer & Pub Association boss Emma McClarkin speaking on behalf of pubco bosses, which said “cancelling pub rents” was not the solution to the ongoing crisis.
  • LIVE – Experts answer your on-trade questions - Have you got a question about your on-trade business that you can’t find an answer for even though you’ve searched online and listened to Boris’s daily updates? Perhaps The Morning Advertiser can help. 
  • The Morning Advertiser goes digital – and is free - In a very short space of time, the hospitality industry and, indeed, the world has changed. Coronavirus in the UK has had an unprecedented effect and, in particular, for our readers in the hospitality sector where their pubs and bars have had to shut down to help limit social contact.