The Lock In podcast

Winning ways!

By Ed Bedington

- Last updated on GMT

The Morning Advertiser's Lock In Podcast episode 76

Related tags Publican awards Awards Great british pub awards Loungers Barons Pub Company Marston's pub company Cheshire cat pubs Liberation Group

As the dust settles on the recent Publican Awards, the Lock In team caught up with some of the winners to find out what makes them tick.

Being an award winner is no mean feat, so the team spoke to a range of winners to find out what they're doing that makes them special, including three times winner Clive Price of Barons Pub Company, Business Leader of the Year and Loungers boss Alex Reilley, Marston's Jo Bradford, Liberation legend Jayson Perfect and Cheshire Cat Pubs and Bar's Tim Bird.

If you want to find out what drives these award winners, tune in now!

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