Pub Food

Child’s play

Children's food feature - Child's play

PubChef helps hosts get the inside track on the family market with ideas from licensees across the country… and some frank views from half-pint...

Cream of the crop

Field to fork - Cream of the crop

By Richard Fox

Richard Fox continues PubChef's focus on how pubs are using the produce of local suppliers with a visit to an asparagus and a clotted cream producer....

A world of difference

Great Pub Chefs - A world of difference

By Max Gosney

British cuisine with an international edge is helping Laurence Cohen prove how far pub cuisine has moved on. Max Gosney reports. At a pub located...

Gastro Nerd

Starters - Gastro Nerd

Ten fastest eaters 1. Former New York bread-shop owner Don Lerman trains every day to keep in shape for eating contests by drinking a gallon of water...

Chef news

Starters - Chef news

London gastro pub The Highgate has revamped its restaurant and menu. Owners, the Kushti Group, has switched the layout at its Kentish Town venue,...



By Chris Losh

Former Wine magazine editor Chris Losh on why Napa Valley is small but beautiful. Napa Valley - all about quality Napa Valley is to California what...

Late plates

Late plates

The changes that are happening to licensing laws will bring with them a whole host of new opportunities for food-led publicans catering for...

Learning curves

Celebrity profile - Learning curves

By Susan Nowak

An ambitious new London venture by Prue Leith can only benefit pub kitchens, says Susan Novak. The Hoxton Apprentice is a very swish new restaurant....

FoodSmiths go head

Battle of the chefs - FoodSmiths go head

In the first of a new series where we challenge two pub chefs to a kitchen cook-off against each other, we visit the Fountain Hotel in Tenbury Wells,...


Breakfasts - Early doors winner

By Richard Fox

Richard Fox looks at how serving breakfast can boost trade. Let's face it, we don't have much of a food culture in this country compared to our...

Spanning the spectrum

Great pub chefs - Spanning the spectrum

By Nigel Huddleston

There's no pigeon-holing the Lamb Inn in West Wittering - Tim Powell is determined to cater for all types of tastes, as Nigel Huddleston reports. If...

Chef news

Chef news

A Salisbury pub has celebrated opening its new restaurant by serving 72 meals in an hour and a half. The Kings Arms in Dowton relaunched following a...

The EastEnders

TV Dinners - The Eastenders café

There are two big mysteries about the Queen Vic, the charming cockney local in the BBC's EastEnders. The first is why, whenever anybody has anything...

Sure-fire success

Masterclass - Sure-fire success

In this month's Masterclass PubChef looks at red-hot ways to make the most of barbecues. Last year's record summer temperatures were fantastic news...

Back to basics

Great pub chefs - Back to basics

By David Marks

Celebrity chefs may be all the rage, but Barry Wallace's food heroes are traditional cooks like Elizabeth David and Jane Grigson. David Marks visits...

Rare fare

Field to fork - Rare fare

By Richard Fox

In the second of our series looking at how pubs are using the produce of local suppliers, Richard Fox visits a rare breeds supplier. It's one thing...

Fawlty Towers

TV Dinners - Fawlty Towers

TV Dinners - Fawlty Towers The 70s were the heyday of British sitcom and, despite what any viewers' poll might tell you, Fawlty Towers was the...

Fishing well

Chefs' specials - Fishing well

This recipe comes from Karen and Phillip Burgess, chef-patrons at the Dartmoor Inn in Lydford, Devon, and is a simple but luxurious dish. Casserole...



By Chris Losh

This month former Wine magazine editor Chris Losh warms to spring with a few hot ideas to boost summer sales. Hit or miss affair with Sancerre Best...

Down your local

Food File - Down your local

PubChef's regular focus on local produce Tracklements, Sherston, Wiltshire. WHO ARE THEY? Tracklements is a Wiltshire-based company producing fine...

Quick Bite

Food file - Quick Bite

Fine Dining by Bernard Matthews has been totally redeveloped, offering caterers a range of new dishes including vegetarian starters, main course...

Book review

Food File - Book review

By Jo Bruce

Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Heaven, published by Penguin Books, £20. Love him or hate him, his recent TV series Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares has got...

The heat is on

Beer and Food - The heat is on

Camra has announced that 2004 is the year of beer and food and is coming up with beer ideas for all food occasions. This month the organisation...

Fast footie food

Euro 2004 - Fast footie food

By Richard Fox

Swap cutlery and plates for skewers and paper cones and you'll score a winner with those hungry, packed-in Euro 2004 punters, says Richard Fox. In...

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£ 60,000 - Leasehold

Busy location on coastal main road Extensively renovated detached public house Five trade areas (100)  Sizeable refurbished 4-5 bedroom accommodation Newly created beer garden (125) Established and popular business...

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