
Draft pubs code consultation extended until 2016


Deadline for pubs code consultation extended until 2016

By Emily Sutherland

The deadline for the pubs code consultation has been extended in order to give the industry more time to respond, following concerns many tenants would be unable to respond in the busy run-up to Christmas.

EMROs action plan

Action plan for tackling EMROs

By Poppleston Allen

You have heard from a reliable source that your licensing authority may shortly be consulting on whether or not to introduce an early-morning restriction order (EMRO). What should you do? Our action plan lays out suggested steps.

Penrose: unveiled tourism strategy

Penrose: VAT cut off the agenda

By John Harrington

A VAT cut for the leisure sector is off the agenda for the next three years, according to the Government's new tourism strategy.

Home Office: concern over its track record

Fears over Home Office record on licensing

By Ewan Turney

A firm of top licensing solicitors has warned the Government it would be "wholly wrong" to implement changes to the Licensing Act in the autumn...

Mess House

Host wins Oldham test case

By Tony Halstead

Oldham licensee Patrick Kelly has defeated an attempt to force hard-line restrictions on trading that are being sought throughout the town. Blanket...

Real reasons

Real reasons

behind reform It does seem that despite the overwhelming tide of concern and opposition to this Government's proposal to reform liquor licensing, it...