Warner: Smoke ban NOT to include outside

By John Harrington

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A cigarette in an ashtray
A cigarette in an ashtray
Health minister Lord Warner has said the Government does not intend to extend the smoking ban to outside areas when the ban comes in next summer....

Health minister Lord Warner has said the Government does not intend to extend the smoking ban to outside areas when the ban comes in next summer.

Warner also told peers that the ban would not be extended without proper consultation.

But frustrated operators are calling for urgent clarity from Government over fears that the ban could effect areas outside pubs, after Warner told the House of Lords last week that the ban could be extended to outside spaces in the future.

Warner, speaking in the House of Lords last night, said it was "not our intention" to extend the ban when the Health Bill is implemented next summer.it was not our intention to extend the ban when the Health Bill is implemented next summer.​Lord Warner, Health Minister

He said Government would "wait and see how things go" before taking any action under clause four of the Health Bill, which says places to go smoke-free "need not be enclosed or substantially enclosed".

"And certainly we would be consulting fully if we did take action under clause four, but it would be under a totally different timescale."

Greene King Pub Partners managing director David Elliott said: "What we need is clarity. We need [Government] to come up very clearly with the rules, and the implementation date."

He added: "It's less than helpful when we don't have specific guidance on [the smoking ban]. We need that urgently."

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Guidance Now!The Government must help pubs plan for the smoking ban as early as possible.To avoid further confusion as to where and how people can smoke, the Morning Advertiser has launched a petition as part of its Plan for the Ban campaign. Click here to find out more and sign.

Your CommentsRobert Feal-Martinez​ via email 27/06/2006

For goodness sake will the trade groups stop pussy footing around, we are going to get shafted. Lord Warner is not saying anything new. Clause 4 needs to be removed. How can a piece of legislation be left at the will of a Minister. This is undemocratic. Parliament makes laws not Ministers. Freedom to Choose would welcome contributions from the trade organisations we will take the fight forward but we need help. Had we had this a year ago we would not be facing yet another piece of legislation that will destroy pubs.

Alastair Elliott​, via email 27/06/2006This clause4 of Lord Warners must be removed, everyone should put pressure on their MP's to demand this when the Health Bill is back in the Commons in a few weeks time, then all should be done to fight for compromise with the existing health bill ban plan, it is totally unjustified.

Sharon Donald​, via email 27/06/2006You can see exactly what is going to happen here, those smokers that choose to continue to go for a drink will be standing outside for a cigarette. The noise level will go up, complaints will be received from residents in nearby housing, people will then be banned from taking their drinks outside and congregating together because of noise problems. It is already happening in Scotland. Its about time the pub trade woke up instead of going like lambs to the slaughter. You have a voice and willing customers use it.

David Pott​, via email 27/06/2006I think we as a trade (i.e. publicans not property companies that have a portfolio of pubs) know full well what this type of reassurance from HMG is likely to mean.

Which is about the same as the promise about 7 months ago that HMG would stick to its manifesto on smoking ...about the same as the promise that the 2003Act would reduce overheads and simplify matters.

Call me a cynic if you like; this promise carries as much weight as Blairs promise that we would find WMDs.

Terry Garington​, via email 28/06/2006When the smoking ban comes into force, thus legalising discrimination, it will open a wide-ranging can of worms.

It would give the go-ahead, to all and sundrie to discriminate against anything, or anybody they want, and by doing so, they would NOT be breaking the law, as, the law abiding smoking British Citizens themseves are being lawfully discriminated against with the passing of this shameful and Nazi style law..

As a staunch Labour supporter all of my adult life (59),that is, up untill 14th of February this year (2006), I feel truly ashamed of this Government, and will never vote a Labour Party into power, for as long as I live, no matter what different name they call themseves next time (New or Old)..

Robert Feal-Martinez​, via email 28/06/2006According to todays Daily Mirror Lord Warner reckons he's been misunderstood, over clause 4. The readers of the Daily Mirror may be that gullible but those of us who have followed this debarcle are not. Lord Waner is lying by ommission, Political Speak, for 'I may have said that, but you misunderstood what I meant'. But the BBPA, FLVA, BII etal will believe it, but their salaried people, why should they care.

Mandy Vnicent​ via email 30/06/2006"I for one would believe nothing from somone so blinkered.

The Goverments sting

It starts with a vision, a powerful sting,Disruptive forces, to all he will bring, Muted Voices, ears do not hear, Into a web, a web spun, to fear

Into his hive, with his army of bees, Subduing the workers, who tirelessly please, Degraded, with stigmas, the workers revolt, They see through his web, a vindictive cult.

Job Vacancy

While shepards watch their flock by night,They must be, puffing away,For sheep and goats have LUNG disease,

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