National Pubwatch launches educational film series

By Amelie Maurice-Jones

- Last updated on GMT

Your questions answered: New films explaining a Pubwatch's powers have been launched
Your questions answered: New films explaining a Pubwatch's powers have been launched
National Pubwatch (NPW) has released a range of films explaining the roles of Pubwatches and their powers.

The informative videos are available on the NPW FAQ YouTube page. The five short films answer frequently asked questions members of the hospitality trade and general public ask about a Pubwatch.

Each film runs at around two minutes, and a combined edition is also available. They educate viewers on what a Pubwatch is, whether Pubwatch schemes can ban people and whether they control personal information.

They also answer whether Pubwatch members can identify a person who has been banned, and discussed how long people should be banned for.

NPW chairman Steve Baker said he hoped the films would provide people with quick and simple means of obtaining answers to a range of issues.

Worth a watch

For instance, he had personally been asked to explain banning ‘tariffs’ on a number of occasions, so had included that subject in the FAQ five ‘For how long should we ban people?’

“I would urge anyone interested in understanding some of the basic issues about how Pubwatch schemes might operate to spend a few minutes watching the films,” he added. “I have no doubt that some of the public misconceptions around human rights and data protection will become clearer.”

The FAQ series has been produced for NPW by Mini Mammoth films. NPW thanked the management of the Gig House, Wokingham, for the use of their venue.

Informative content

NPW also provides a range of free public service and educational films on its YouTube page.

For instance, its free training film Supporting Vulnerable People ​allows licensees to help take frontline staff through a variety of scenarios on how to ensure the safety of customers.

NPW also works in partnership with Best Bar None, the Home Office backed accreditation scheme for licensed premises. The aim of this is to support licensees and independent operators to reduce alcohol-related crime and meet their obligations under the Licensing Act.

There are also 18 updated policies and procedures which are free to download for operators on both the NPW and Best Bar None websites.

These include topic ranging from safeguarding vulnerable persons, Challenge 21/25, crime and disorder, drugs, searching and overcrowding.

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