Pete Robinson: Pub killers get a bloody nose
Without doubt they are 'Pub Killers', but more about that later.
In reality there's very little that's 'new' about this Labour Government. Anyone my age could be forgiven for a severe attack of déjà vu when comparing this rabble with the inept Callaghan government of the late 1970's.
Under both governments we have seen the worst excesses of thinly disguised socialism. We are the most taxed, controlled and spied-upon people in the western world since the fall of the hated East German regime, together with the Berlin Wall.
Between elections Nu-Labour act like a communist dictatorship, treating it's proles with contempt and limiting our personal freedoms to suit their own agenda. They believe they have an inalienable right to govern, with the occasional election an unavoidable nuisance.
So it was with unfettered delight that I stayed up last week to watch the local election results roll in. And what a bitter-sweet result it was.
In my own Midlands home town we returned the first Conservative council for 34 years, since ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest singing "Waterloo".
When bumbling blonde Boris Johnson gave 'Red Ken' a kick in the newts it was the icing on the cake. Love him or hate him let's not forget Boris is the only mainstream politician to speak out against the smoking ban. With his new-found power he'll be a good friend to have on side.
Last week, in a rare moment of collective unity, the nation gave Nu-Labour a bloody nose. And do you know what? It hasn't changed a thing. Don't assume it will go anywhere near as well at the next general election because by then the government will have moved the goalposts.
Never forget - pubs aren't closing because of the failure of government policy. They are closing because that IS this government's policy.
Travel the world and you will discover a curious equation. The more dominant the state the less pubs and bars that country has.
In Cuba, for example, it's difficult to find a bar outside the carefully monitored tourist areas. North Korea, rural China and Russia aren't exactly known for their welcoming hostelries.
Similarly Nu-Labour has an inate mistrust of traditional British pubs & social clubs and all that they stand for. To the socialist mindset a pub is a dangerous place where groups of perfect strangers can gather to discuss their dislike of the incumbent regime, lubricated by alcohol.
The last bastions of free speech where political incorrectness is acceptable and dissent almost encouraged. Being predominantly frequented by the indigenous white population they must be, of course, institutionally racist.
I don't believe Nu-Labour want all pubs to close. They are prepared to tolerate foody pubs, posh pubs and 'family pubs', especially when geared towards single-mums.
Somewhere around a 50% reduction in Britain's pub stock would suit nicely, the rest being turned over to housing.