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Targeting of trade is unfair I write in response to the MA's front page article of 16 November, Revenue slammed over swoop tactics. Now let's apply...

Targeting of trade is unfair

I write in response to the MA's front page article of 16 November, Revenue slammed over swoop tactics.

Now let's apply a little lateral thinking and apply the standard Sun reader answer bleated in reaction when the objections to totalitarian ID cards and CCTV are raised.

"If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear." I would of course qualify that by inserting "if they think you have done..."

Everyone has something to fear these days, especially, it seems, those who have done no wrong.

The jackboot state flexes its power and justifies its actions by quoting the terrorism and money-laundering evils that need combating. Just a coincidence that extra revenue will be raised.

Hands up those in the trade who know where to find these hot beds of terrorism and organised crime that need dealing with? The fact that the other establishments targeted - saunas and sunbed shops - are accepted as traditional fronts for prostitution and human trafficking seems to put pubs in a worse light, in police eyes than your friendly neighbourhood drug baron.

Who's government made it so easy for any Tom, Dick, or Harry (sorry, Mohammed or Harriet) to get a licence to front up a pub business? And let into the trade all the shysters and con artists only there for the money and nothing else. Is it any wonder that there is an increase in those who are not "fit and proper people"?

As usual the scatter-gun approach means that the innocent are tarred with the same brush.

Investigate and prosecute the law breakers and leave the law-abiding licensee to have the odd pint as reward for acting as unpaid and unthanked tax collectors, policemen, and social workers, for HM Government.

Frances Hughes-Matthews

Posted on the MA website's opinion forum

TV show's plea for home cooks

I work for RDF Television - we make programmes such as Scrapheap Challenge, Faking It, Ladette to Lady, The Queen's Castle, Shipwrecked, Anthea Turner: Perfect Housewife and Wife Swap - and I was very much hoping your readers might be able to help me with an exciting new series we're making for the BBC.

Eating with the Enemy will search the length and breadth of the country to find "Britain's best home cook".

Each episode in the series will follow two home cooks as they prepare, cook and then host a dinner party to which two of Britain's best known critics will be invited - our celebrity chef will also be on hand to give them helpful hints and tips as they prepare for culinary battle.

We're looking for enthusiastic, creative cooks to take part in the series - cooks with flair, passion and a genuine love of what they do, who enjoy nothing more than taking the time to prepare and cook the perfect meal.

We're not looking for professionally-trained cooks with over-complicated recipes but rather home cooks who think that they've finally created the perfect recipe for lasagne or shepherd's pie.

We also want those cooks who are proud of their local specialities, cultural heritage or who simply love those recipes that have been handed down through their families over the years.

Anyone interested should apply online at our website: www.meontv.co.uk/food or call us on 0207 013 4410.

Kayleigh Damen

Sent via email from Kayleigh.Damen@RDFMedia.com

Kiely actions draw more sharp words

I write regarding the Kielys and Provence and any of their bogus, money-laundering companies.

They got their own companies to do work and paid themselves three times what any other local company would have charged. On top of that they didn't pay the company that organises the premises licences.

This is the best news I have heard this year. There is justice after all. Good riddance to them.

Name and address withheld

Offies not pubs cause bingeing

Re: MA 2 November 2006, p6, Trade slams Hewitt on alcohol tax plan.

Wake up Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt! Teenage binge drinking is on cheap supermarket and cornershop booze! Think back to when alcohol was sold only in pubs/clubs/hotels. No mention of this binge drinking then! No underage drinking either to the extent it is today. You should be banning all off-licences. That would be a better law to pass than the smoking ban.

Ah, I hear you cry, we will lose all that revenue! Well if it's all about money then think about the revenue you are going to lose when more and more will quit smoking.

Oh, I see, you will have to get the lost revenue from somewhere else!

Ken Nason

Posted on the MA website's opinion forum

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