legal Q&A

How many personal licence holders do I need?

By Poppleston Allen

- Last updated on GMT

Related tags Personal licence License Supervisor

How many personal licence holders do I need?
So you've bought a pub - what are the next steps for licensing regarding members of staff?

Q: I recently purchased a pub and I met with my local police licensing officer, who suggested that I should have at least one other personal licence holder at the pub, as well as my designated premises supervisor. Two of the bar staff have passed the award for personal licence holders. Do they need to hold personal licences as well?

A:​ Your police licensing officer is being prudent in what he suggests. It is always risky to have a single personal licence holder at any licensed premises. If you only have one then they will be the designated premises supervisor (DPS) and, should they leave for any reason, and you can’t find someone holding a personal licence, the pub would have to stop selling alcohol.

Simply because two members of bar staff hold the award for personal licence holders does not mean that they have a personal licence.

This is just one stage in the process, and they would also need to make an application to their own licensing authority where they normally reside for a personal licence. Another option would be for you to apply for a personal licence yourself, so you have cover in case your DPS does leave.

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