
Viewers react to ITV pubs documentary

By Liam Coleman

- Last updated on GMT

Scrutiny: pubs code adjucator Paul Newby was interviewed for the programme
Scrutiny: pubs code adjucator Paul Newby was interviewed for the programme

Related tags Public house Maida vale

Last night's ITV documentary, Tonight: The Great British Pub Revolution covered the various issues facing the pub industry. Here are your thoughts on the show.

The 30-minute programme looked to cover a variety of points of interest to the pub trade by looking at the illegal demolition of the Carlton Tavern in Maida Vale, west London; the rise of craft beer; local community groups buying pubs for the community; and the pubs code.

Adjudicator scrutinised

The passage of the programme that delivered the most interest was the discussion of the pubs code and the adjudicator of the code, Paul Newby​, who was interviewed for the programme.

Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (BIS), Iain Wright MP, was interviewed for the documentary and reiterated his criticism​ of pubs code adjudicator, Newby. A view that was backed up by one viewer.

One viewer of the show, however, argued that the positives of the market rent-only option​ (MRO) in the code were overstated.

Carlton controversy

One major discussion point of the last year has been the destruction of the historic Carlton Tavern in Maida Vale, west London. The developers that destroyed the pub were not shown in the best of lights in the ITV documentary.

Craft beer on the rise

The show showed the rise of craft brewers that we have seen during the past 10 years in a positive light.


Ultimately, viewers came out of the programme reflecting on the positive opportunities available to the pub industry.

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