
New date: face coverings will now be required to be worn by customers and staff from tomorrow (Thursday 24 September)

Face covering requirement date brought forward

By Nikkie Thatcher

The requirement for pub staff and customers to wear face coverings inside has been moved to tomorrow (Thursday 24 September) despite the Cabinet Office previously confirming to The Morning Advertiser that it would be enforced from Monday (28 September).

Pub focus: 'by and large, we believe the hospitality sector has been ahead of the curve in terms of developing and implementing effective hygiene and safety measures that protect customers,' according to Food Alert's David Bashford


Why are pubs being blamed for a second coronavirus spike?

By Stuart Stone

Throughout the coronavirus outbreak, pubs have been the subject of an inflated number of newspaper column inches with one outlet claiming they have become the focus for 'pandemic Britain’s culture wars'. But is it unfair the spotlight remains...

Big penalties: businesses have been told they must not break new Covid-secure laws or risk fines of up to £10,000

Fines of up to £10k for rule breaches

By Emily Hawkins

Pubs could be fined up to £10,000 for failing to abide by Covid-secure regulations, the Prime Minister has outlined today (Tuesday 22 September).

Sector impact: the planned 10pm curfew for pubs and bars is a blow to the sector, trade voices have said

What impact will a 10pm curfew have on pubs?

By Nikkie Thatcher

Pub operators and trade bodies have reacted to the proposed 10pm curfew on pubs, predicting a “devastating impact in an already challenging environment” and urging the Government for further financial aid.

Operator view: 'the badly operated businesses won’t suddenly become sensible operators until 10pm every day'


'Guests as safe at 11pm as as at noon'

By Cheryl Hickman, the Bull at Barton Mills, Suffolk

We have been following all of the guidance to keep our team and customers safe from the beginning. We’ve faced abuse from people who think it’s all a load or rubbish and had to turn people away that refused to give details - not by law, by choice.

Following rules: 'pubs have complied with everything that’s been asked of them' says The Morning Advertiser editor Ed Bedington


Hammer blow for pubs flies in the face of logic

By Ed Bedington

It’s 10pm on a Friday night, the pubs have switched off the lights, barred the doors and the crowds are now heaving on the streets, mingling, singing, hugging and inviting each other back for impromptu house parties...

Up to 6,000 jobs cut: 'these changes create a more flexible labour model that can adapt with changes in the demand environment going forward,' Whitbread said of redundancy proposals

Whitbread to cut 6,000 jobs

By Stuart Stone

The operator behind brands such as Brewers Fayre, Beefeater and Premier Inn has announced that as many as 6,000 members of staff could face redundancy following a collapse in sales during the coronavirus crisis.

Increased risk: the UK alert level has risen from three to four

Government 10pm curfew 'crushing blow'

By Nikkie Thatcher

The Government's plan to impose a 10pm curfew to all pubs, bars, restaurants and other hospitality businesses has been labelled 'a crushing blow' for trade.

Answers soon: Health Secretary Matt Hancock said today pub operators would have more information on further restrictions in the

Health secretary refuses to rule out pub closures

By Emily Hawkins

Health secretary Matt Hancock said the sector would be given answers in the "very near future" in response to a question about whether pub operators should prepare for closures.

Restrictions eased: since pubs reopened on 4 July, schools and universities have also reopened and the public has been encouraged to return to work

How many coronavirus cases since pubs reopened?

By Nikkie Thatcher

With Government and health experts seemingly pointing the finger at pubs, The Morning Advertiser analyses the number of coronavirus cases reported since the sector reopened up until 15 September.

Covid and the code: a top concern expressed by tenants since lockdown began has been their rent levels.


Rents, Covid and the code

By Fiona Dickie – pubs code adjudicator

A top concern expressed by tenants since lockdown began has been their rent levels. They want to know what the Pubs Code and the PCA can do. I am pleased to have this opportunity to set out the position.

Last orders: more pubs will be ordered to close earlier in a fresh set of local measures covering large parts of England.

More pubs hit by curfew measures

By Emily Hawkins

Further restrictions have been announced for parts of north west England, the Midlands and West Yorkshire to curb rising coronavirus cases.

Local curfew: pubs in Rhondda Cynon Taf must close at 11pm from Thursday 17 September

Pubs given curfew in Welsh county

By Emily Hawkins

Pubs in the Welsh county of Rhondda Cynon Taf will be forced to close at 11pm after being linked to a rise in coronavirus cases.

New term, new normal: how are pubs anticipating students returning to university? (images: L-R, N Chadwick, Geograph; Stephen Boisvert, Flickr; Lisa Jarvis, Geograph)


Students 'frustrated' with nights out ending at the pub

By Emily Hawkins

Online classes and regular coronavirus testing are not the only changes for students heading back to university this autumn, with clubs closed for the foreseeable future and new laws limiting social gatherings.

The verdict 'nothing is decided until it is decided, in this case possibly by the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court, with appeals by everyone on the cards'


Regulators v insurers: the verdict

By Philip Kolvin QC, Cornerstone Barristers

Sometimes white smoke appears from a chimney and the result is clear. Sometimes, smoke rises from the battlefield, casualties are counted and it takes a century or two to work out who won and lost.

Private socialising banned: new restrictions come into force in Birmingham today but people can still socialise in pubs

Birmingham restrictions 'won't impact pubs'

By Emily Hawkins

Restrictions on private gatherings come into force in parts of the West Midlands today (15 September) but people are still allowed to socialise with other households at pubs.

Rule of six: 'You must not meet socially in groups of more than six and if you do, you will be breaking the law,' Boris Johnson explained

‘Rule of six’ comes into force today

By Nikkie Thatcher

The Government’s ‘rule of six’ will be enforced from today (Monday 14 September) meaning those breaking it could be arrested.

Furlough boost: Bolton publicans have said they face tough decisions about the future of their businesses (image: JThomas, Geograph)

Bolton businesses should not be 'worse off'

By Emily Hawkins

Publicans and Bolton Council have called for an extension of the existing furlough scheme after a localised shutdown of hospitality was ordered in the town.

Insolvency impact: whether a business is being wound up for good or insolvency is part of a re-structuring or rescue package, premises licences implications must be addressed

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Insolvency and your premises licence

By Poppleston Allen

Sadly there are more hospitality businesses becoming insolvent due to the impact of Covid-19.

Prime position: Boris Johnson held a Downing Street press conference to detail more information on new rules coming into force

PM rules out furlough extension

By Nikkie Thatcher

A Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) extension has been ruled out by Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a Downing Street press conference.

Breaking news: the voluntary guidance will now be a requirement

Contact tracing to be mandatory for pubs

By Emily Hawkins

Taking customer contact details will be made a mandatory requirement for pubs and bars and venues that do not follow coronavirus guidance will be fined, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced.