
Online event: the free webinar will take place on Tuesday 14 September (image: Getty/Richard Drury)

Free advice on tackling noise complaints

By The Morning Advertiser

With noise nuisance rapidly becoming a major problem for a lot of operators on the return to trade, there’s still time to register to take part in a free online event to help you get to grips with the problem.

Beer boom: ‘It may be that as an operator you are considering running different types of events to not only boost trade, but to attract both existing and new customers back into your venue’ (image: Getty/Aja Koska)

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

Top tips: ‘freedom day’ and beer festivals

By Poppleston Allen

The remaining coronavirus restrictions are due to be lifted on the 19 July and it is likely all operators will be looking at alternative ways of maximising trade after such long periods of closure and restrictions being in place.

Advice on noise impact ruling changes


Advice on noise impact ruling changes

By Poppleston Allen

Readers will be aware of the recent announcement to amend Class O (changing offices to dwellings) of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, which will come into effect on 6 April 2016.

How to... Handle noise at work

How to... Handle noise at work

By Pat Perry

Noise at work comes in many different forms, but in the case of pubs, it is usually from live or recorded music in your venue. Excessive noise can damage hearing and in some cases lead to deafness, it can also be a safety hazard by interfering with communication...

Coulson: be wary of breaking accceptable noise limits

Hearing is believing

By Peter Coulson

Noise problems are dominating Peter Coulson's postbag.

Noisy pubs

Noisy pubs

I regularly have music at my premises, provided by either bands or discos. One of my bar staff is complaining that the music is too loud, but my...