
Tuck in: Ayesha Kalaji (right) found amazing food at the huge music festival


OPINION: Festival feasting at Glastonbury

By Ayesha Kalaji, chef-patron, Queen of Cups, Glastonbury

Often when I tell people I have a restaurant in Glastonbury I am met with the same response.

Opinion: Aiden Smith (pictured) shares his thoughts on the current economic challenges faced by pubs


OPINION: Innovative financing 'imperative' for pubs

By Aiden Smith, licensee of the Chequers, Milton Keynes

There are three main areas to the successful operation of a public house, those being ownership, location and offering, including price, food and events etc.

Welcome all: Ayesha Kalaji encourages diversity of food at pubs (credit: Vicki Steward)


OPINION: Don't restrict pub food to just the classics

By Ayesha Kalaji, chef-patron, Queen of Cups, Glastonbury

The first pubs were a place to provide food, drink and rest to weary travellers, conceived around 43AD, with the Romans bringing the concept with them to Britannia.

Blue Monday: Parkers Arms chef-patron Stosie Madi ponders why quality from suppliers is allowed to fall while prices remain high


Price increase, quality decrease

By Stosie Madi, chef-patron of the Parkers Arms

It is uncanny how product quality has decreased and prices have increased.

Operator opinion: Gav Young of the Plough and Barleycorn in the Isle of Wight has his say on Sober October


'A pub is for life, not for 10 months of the year'

By Gav Young, the Plough and Barleycorn, Isle of Wight

As if ‘Dry January’ wasn’t enough, the geniuses at Macmillan have joined in with Sober October. I guess when your CEO earns in excess of £190,000, originality is too much to ask!

Opinion: retention in a challenging environment (pictured: Emma Harrison of the Three Hills at Bartlow)


Team retention in a challenging environment

By Emma Harrison, managing director of The Three Hills at Bartlow

The hospitality industry is under tremendous pressure. None more so than this year, with extraordinary cost rises across every single area of the business, including a mandatory increase in the minimum wage of 10% for anyone aged 23 and up.

No room to grow: Three Hills at Bartlow managing director Emma Harrison (pictured) shares her thoughts on financial burdens restricting the sector


Financial burdens leave no room for growth

By Emma Harrison

For the last few years, it feels like the hospitality sector has been thwarted in every direction, no matter how efficiently we run our businesses, and operating a pub/restaurant with rooms has never been harder.

Industry query: Christopher Snowdon questions if the Government has waged war on the trade


Has the Government declared war on pubs?

By Christopher Snowdon

I have long harboured the suspicion than the ultimate objective of British politics for the last fifteen years has been to destroy the pub trade.

Aid needed: The MA editor Ed Bedington calls on the Government to 'wake up to the fact that it’s targeted the hospitality sector way beyond the grounds of reasonability'


Not good enough Mr Sunak

By Ed Bedington

And so the much awaited Government support has been announced and greeted with not so much a cheer as more of a whimper from an industry that is crying out for help.

Comment by Nicholas Robinson, Managing Editor


Could new coronavirus laws be helpful?

By Nicholas Robinson

New laws announced by the Government to help protect the public from the coronavirus may sound like another layer of damaging bureaucracy for pubs, but they could be helpful.