
Punch: no advisers being appointed

Punch denies appointment of advisers

By Ewan Turney

Punch Taverns has denied reports that it is looking to appoint financial advisers to oversee a restructuring process. A report in the Daily Express...

Pring: surely some deal could be worked out with eager tenants

Give licensees a fair chance

By Andrew Pring

Punch shouldn't waste the time of those licensees who really are interested in buying, says Andrew Pring.

Meal deal: Punch offer

Punch tenants' £1.99 meal plan

By John Harrington

Punch tenants can sell meals for set amounts starting at just £1.99, under a new scheme. The Table Top scheme, initially available for around 1,000...

Pring: companies everywhere are desperately trying to slough off under-performing pubs

Banks hold the key to sell-off

By Andrew Pring

Punch may want to reinvent its business model, but it needs to be realistic about pub sale prices — and banks need to start lending to licensees.

Protesters outside Enterprise HQ

Pubco protest: as it happened

By Gemma McKenna

The Morning Advertiser's blow-by-blow account of how events at the pubco protest outside the HQs of Enterprise and Punch unfolded, plus a photo...

Protest will be led by Inez Ward (second from left) and other Fair Pint members

Licensees to call for pubco action

By Ewan Turney

Frustrated licensees are to present an open letter calling for a fairer deal on rents and beer prices to the bosses of Britain's two biggest pubcos at a protest march on Monday.

Sir Robert Peel: Surrey pub is run by Mark Pester

Punch licensee's rent victory

By John Harrington

Punch Taverns is thought to have agreed to reduce a licensee's rent and offered discounts of £12,505 a year after proposing a 51% rent increase.

Pubcos: claim they have acted after TISC

Pubcos: case for the defence

By John Harrington

Pubcos defended their treatment of tenants and rejected calls for the beer tie to be scrapped during a heated hearing in December.

Punch: suffered share price decline

Analyst: Punch shares could hit 10p

By Ewan Turney

Punch's day of woe finished with share prices reaching an all time low of 39.75p — a drop of over 30% — one analyst warned they may hit 10p.

Thorley: trading extremely challenging

Punch: profits down 12% at leased pubs

By Ewan Turney

Profit from Punch's leased and tenanted pubs plummeted 12% on last year for the 20 weeks to 10 January. Britain's largest pubco said trading...

Dear Prudence?

Dear Prudence?

By Hamish Champ

When Greene King published its trading update on Tuesday of last week its shares immediately shot up, to the bewilderment of even some of the City's...

Packing A Punch

Packing A Punch

By Hamish Champ

Many believe Punch Taverns' size and dominance of the leased pub sector effectively renders the group the industry's 'belweather'. Such people would...

Punch scraps M&B merger proposal

Punch scraps M&B merger proposal

By The PMA Team

Punch Taverns has withdrawn its merger proposal for Mitchells & Butlers (M&B) but is still pursuing other possible deals involving the...

Pring: Coping with a Colossus

Pring: Coping with a Colossus

By Andrew Pring

MA editor Andrew Pring considers the proposed merger between Punch and Mitchells & Butlers



The sharp end of the pub trade I read with great interest your article "Punch executives land double-digit pay rises" (MA, 10 January 2008). It's...

Punch shares hit by rumoured bid for M&B

Punch shares hit by rumoured bid for M&B

By The PMA Team

Rumours of a Punch bid for Mitchells & Butlers has undermined its share price because of the limited logic of such a deal, analyst Douglas Jack claims

Punch boosts partnership

Punch boosts partnership

Punch BRMs will hold one-to-one workshops with hosts for the first six months of lease agreements



Punch could be on to something Regarding Punch trialling 24-hour ordering (MA, 25 October 2007), anything that can be done to enable tenants to avoid...

Punch ramps up licensee support

Punch ramps up licensee support

By The PMA Team

Punch Taverns is ramping up support for new licensees in a bid to reduce the number of business failures