
Legislative landmark: The Morning Advertiser reflects on some of the pubs code's major milestones ahead of its fifth anniversary on 21 July

The pubs code turns five

Timeline: Five years of the pubs code and PCA

By The Morning Advertiser

The Morning Advertiser (MA) looks back on some of the pubs code's major milestones ahead of the fifth anniversary of its enforcement on 21 July.

Five years on: The Morning Advertiser has launched a survey to reflect on the five years since the pubs code came into force and the office of the pubs code adjudicator was established


Tell us: the pubs code five years on

By The Morning Advertiser

As we approach the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the pubs code and the office of the pubs code adjudicator (PCA), The Morning Advertiser (MA) has launched a survey to reflect on the past five years.

What's in the news 18 June?

'No great surprise' on 21 June decision

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's Ed Bedington speaks with Paul Wigham, CEO of All Our Bars to discuss some of the biggest stories of the week.

Lockdown support: Star Pubs and Bars has called on the Scottish Government to increase financial help for pubs or review trading rules

Star to continue rent reductions in Scotland

By Emily Hawkins

Star Pubs & Bars has said it will continue its rent reductions for its sites in Scotland, as the sector braces for the first week of trade after lockdown.

Relief effort: Under the Australian scheme, the government has made it mandatory for landlords to agree to a reduction in rent payable, of up to 100%, in proportion to the reduction in the tenant’s business during Covid-19 (Image: flyparade/Getty Images)

Calls for adoption of Australian rent relief model

By Georgi Gyton, MCA

A group of hospitality operators and property agents are calling on the Government to implement the same rent relief scheme as has been adopted in Australia, according to reports by MCA Insight.

Leader's view: Star Pubs & Bars MD Lawson Mountstevens said he was proud of how his colleague and licensees had handled the challenges of the pandemic

Star tenants to pay full rent from June

By Nikkie Thatcher

Star Pubs & Bars licensees on core leased and tenanted agreements in England will have to start paying rent in full from 21 June, following a period of discounted rates, the pubco has announced.

Our 2020 numbers show an overall reduction of 381 in regulated tied pub estates to 8,745 compared with the previous year


How do pubs code rights apply when a pub is sold?

By Fiona Dickie, pubs code adjudicator

The pandemic is having an effect on many lives and businesses across the whole pub trade – one outcome of this could be pub acquisitions by investors with long-term confidence in the recovery of the sector.

Different amounts: the rent credits for tied tenants on substantive agreements will be tapered according to which tier they are in

Stonegate reveals rent credits for tiers

By Nikkie Thatcher

Stonegate Pub Company has unveiled three rent credit systems for its leased and tenanted arm – Ei Publican Partnerships – differing for each tier.

Covid and the code: a top concern expressed by tenants since lockdown began has been their rent levels.


Rents, Covid and the code

By Fiona Dickie – pubs code adjudicator

A top concern expressed by tenants since lockdown began has been their rent levels. They want to know what the Pubs Code and the PCA can do. I am pleased to have this opportunity to set out the position.

Furlough boost: Bolton publicans have said they face tough decisions about the future of their businesses (image: JThomas, Geograph)

Bolton businesses should not be 'worse off'

By Emily Hawkins

Publicans and Bolton Council have called for an extension of the existing furlough scheme after a localised shutdown of hospitality was ordered in the town.

Urgent action needed: the group of trade bodies said the Government must intervene to protect businesses and jobs

Government urged to cover half of unpaid pub rent

By Emily Hawkins

A coalition of trade bodies representing landlords and tenants within the pub sector has called on the Government to introduce a grant to help solve a growing rent crisis.

Breathing space: the lease forfeiture and debt enforcement moratorium has been extended to 30 September and a code of practice on rent has been published

Moratorium extended as rent code published

By Emily Hawkins

The lease forfeiture and debt enforcement moratorium has been extended into the autumn, meaning pubs continue to be protected from eviction threats.

'Business closing' burden: 'the prospect of coming out of this with considerable debt, largely as a result of substantial rent arrears, doesn’t bear thinking about,' Martin Roper explains

Pub companies must share the pain

By Martin Roper

Multiple operator Martin Roper has found himself caught between four different landlords in the debate on pub rents.