Pubs to get Government health warning

By Iain O'Neil

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Related tags Minister caroline flint Drink Caroline flint

Pubs to get Government health warning
Pubs may be forced to display public health warnings about the dangers of drinking. Public health minister Caroline Flint has said the Government is...

Pubs may be forced to display public health warnings about the dangers of drinking.

Public health minister Caroline Flint has said the Government is "in active discussion" with the trade about bringing in cigarette-style warnings within two years.

The warnings would be on all beer and other alcoholic drink bottles and pubs would also be expected to display the warnings prominently.

About 80% of beer packaging already carries a message asking people to drink sensibly.

Nobody is saying you can't have a drink, but think about how you're drinking and its consequences ​Health Minister Caroline Flint.

But the new measures could go even further, combining information on units with a message such as "don't do drunk" and potentially warnings about health consequences.

Ms Flint said the trade had been receptive to the idea and added: "I think it's finding the right sort of warning and obviously it's going to depend on the bottle itself and obviously, as I said, when people receive a drink in a glass you got to have it at the point of sale.

"So I think information about both unit measurements but also about a sensible drinking message is something that the industry are engaging with us and that's important."

"Nobody is saying you can't have a drink, but you know, think about how you're drinking and its consequences."

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Your CommentsJim Lawler​ via email 18/04/2006"When thousands of drinkers did not support smokers during the smoking debate they were warned that alcohol was next on the health zealots hit list witness all the anti drink stories appearing everywhere, plans for drink warnings on bottles and cans, advertising curtailed, pub opening hours attacked heard it all before?

yes that's exactly how and why we now have the smoking ban"

Chris Hardman​ via email, 18/04/2006Utterly ridiculous. Who exactly do this government think they're protecting?

Are we to see government health warnings at the side of roads "Warning: Crossing the road is dangerous and can lead to death or a visit to the cake shop (please read government warning on side of cakes)"

This chastisement of civil liberties is appaling and degrading.

Robert Feal-Martinez​ via email 18/04/2006"How right you are Jim. Many of us have been warning how the health fanatics will push and push and push until every aspect of our lives are controlled. But it's for your own good will come the cry. I'm 55 years old, have served as a Policeman, and done many risky things in my life, facing gunman, people with knives etc, in the days when the only protection I had was my verbal skills, and a piece of nicely polished wood. How dare career politicians who have never worked in the outside world tell me how I should live my life. If and when I become a danger to others then Ms Flint and her band of jobs worth MP's can hold me to account. Until then leave me and the rest of the adult population alone and go back to your nursury, House of Commons. And please Trade bodies, stop making deals that will adversely affect those who pay your wages, or when we all go bust you may well not have a job."

Peter Harvey​ via email 18/04/2006"I just knew this would happen, first they give us more or less whatever hours we want to trade, then take away the smoking customers, now they are starting to ban drink by putting a government health warning on pubs, what on earth is this country coming to , When the government and Police decide to come to terms with reality and admit the social problems of today are more drug related than drink I think people may just have a better, safer environment. and more respect for the authorities

Thought I would speak up before free speech goes!"

Donal McCarthy​ via email 19/04/2006"While there is general recognition in the press that New Labour will be soundly thrashed in the Local Elections on May 4th, I wonder if the party mandarins realise just how much their Senior Loose Cannon - C Flint - is contributing to the killer-blow every time she opens her mouth?

It just gets worse and worse. Forget being indignant. It is high time for action. Get behind the smokers now and lay down a loud, clear, united, industry-wide marker that this outrageous social/business repression cannot and will not be tolerated.

Customers, licencees, owners and all trade bodies should be in no doubt that firm action is now needed to stop this rot in its tracks."

Robert Feal-Martinez​ via email 19/04/2006"You are so right Donal, the Public need to state once and for all, enough is enough. Support for the Bigdebate Freedom to Choose is still growing by the day. The Lords debate will see a turning point. Hopefully the National Media will report the growing ill feeling of the Public, finally, in a way the MA has had the courage to do. Tony Blair's fascism is over, he has failed to destroy Britain, we are now fighting back. If people vote BNP (I hope not) Blair has only himself to blame, he made and broke promises like pie crusts. He will never be forgiven for trying to destroy Great Britain just so he could be President of a European Super State."

John Ellis​ via email 19/04/2006"I have just written the latest Government Health Warning. It says "Government is bad for your Health".

For once I agree with the American political system - they won't let their leaders stand for a third term!

We had the arrogance of the Thatcher third term, now we have the arrogance of the Blair third term. That's why I'm a staunchly Independent Councillor.

John Ellis (Town counillor and landlord)

Donal McCarthy​ via email 20/04/2006"What an excellent decision. It has been perhaps only recently understood by many that Ms Flint has no intention of stopping at smokers. She has clearly declared war on the trade in general with her "health warning for pubs" shenanigans.

Who knows where she'll stop. And what will be next? Is anyone safe from this dreadful womans interference?

If you haven't thought of it before now, get behind the petition by downloading and distributing copies to your customers and friends, as a first step."

Sharon Donald​ via email 20/04/2006"Why does this government and the health facists that it employs think that they some divine right to protect us from ourselves. As an Adult I would like to tell Ms Flint that I am quite capable of making adult choices on my own without dire warnings on everything that I purchase. Ms Flint and her kind wont be happy until they have removed all smokers, drinkers, the sick and the disabled because we dont fit into New Labours vision of what we should be like a perfect healthy specimen that can work until you drop thus saving them the expense of paying a pension or benifits. The sooner this government is voted out the better, then sanity, common sense and true democracy can return to the people of Britain."

Anne Parkinson​ via email 20/04/2006"I also think that Caroline Flint is 'power crazed'

1st it was the smokers-war vetrans having to endure the elements!, and now the drinkers. Are we going to have notices evrywhere? Perhaps she has shares in the companies who make signs?"

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