'Cameron to force councils to offer doomed pubs to local communities'

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David Cameron is to give the public a gameshow-style chance to save community centres and pubs facing closure. The bizarre idea, part of the PM's...

David Cameron is to give the public a gameshow-style chance to save community centres and pubs facing closure. The bizarre idea, part of the PM's "Big Society", would see local councils forced to give the public a chance to save any facility before it is closed. The public would be given a set time to raise the cash under new proposals this month. - Daily Mirror

Enterprise Inns has launched the first of its new leases aimed at freeing small brewers from the beer tie. After several years of strong criticism from a small but vocal group of disgruntled tenants, MPs and beer groups over its relationship with landlords, Enterprise has been working with the Society of Independent Brewers to allow local brewers to sell their own beer in its pubs. Jim Harrison, founder of Thornbridge Brewery near Bakewell, Derbyshire, has just taken over the lease of The Greystones pub in Sheffield, formerly known as The Highcliffe. - Daily Mail

New pubs minister Bob Neill has urged licensees to take advantage of government measures brought in last month, including a business tax discount and a doubling of small business rate relief. "As a government, we are committed to removing red tape to allow pubs to operate in more entrepreneurial ways," he said. "We are introducing a new Right to Buy so that residents will be able to save pubs by taking them over. I know many pubs are finding it hard in these difficult times but I also know it is an industry that's always been full of creativity and initiative, such as the gastro-pub." - Daily Express

Tennent's is backing moves to improve standards in the hospitality sector by launching a facility to train staff in a range of skills from working behind the bar to running a busy restaurant. It has turned a disused canteen at the Wellpark Brewery in Glasgow into a £1 million training academy, available to anyone in Scotland's pub, hotel and restaurant industry, with the scope to train thousands in the first year. - Scotsman

Smokers in the Netherlands will now be able to light-up again in over 2000 of the country's small owner-operated bars or pubs. The partial over-turning of the blanket ban, which was introduced in 2008, is a huge victory for smokers' rights campaigners who had argued that the blanket ban was driving small bar owners out of business. An incoming coalition government in the country has allowed the partial lifting of the ban for pubs which are less than 743.5 sq ft in size and which are staffed solely by the owner. - Daily Mail

And finally… A bungling Tesco store mistakenly offered shoppers two bottles of expensive alcohol for just £2 - then refused to honour the deal. A leaflet sent to more than 5000 people in the west end of Glasgow was meant to promote the deal of two bottles of Bailey's Irish Cream for £25 - but the '5' was left off. People thought they'd get them for just £2 - saving a massive £28. But those who flocked to take advantage of the bargain were faced with signs admitting the mistake. And staff refused to honour the £2 price. - Daily Record

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