Dish deconstructed
Mark Sargeant makes BBQ rib of beef
Not all pubs have the luxury of time and local suppliers, but that doesn’t mean the food has to be poor quality. Ex-Restaurant Gordon Ramsay chef Mark Sargeant works with Brakes to deliver a dish that’s both effortless and tasty
Key facts:
- Prep time: 10 minutes
- Cooking time 20 minutes
- 1 piece of beef rib (we use Brakes’ beef rib with salt & pepper)
- 30g BBQ glaze
- 100g kale slaw
- 450g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into wedges
- 1g chopped red chillies
- 4g thinly sliced fresh garlic
- 10ml olive oil
- 1g Maldon sea salt
- 1g ground black pepper
- 20g set soured cream
- Pre-head the oven to 180°C
- Heat the beef rib in its bag in a pan of simmering water for five minutes or until core tempreture is reached
- Place the sweet potato wedges into a bowl, add the olive oil, chilli, garlic, and salt and pepper
- Mix together until the wedges have been coated and place on a baking tray
- Put in the oven and cook until crisp on the outside and soft in the middle
- Carefully remove the rib and drain well then place on a baking tray
- Retain the meat juices from the bag to use as flavoured liquor for sauces if required
- Coat the rib with the BBQ glaze and avoiding getting it on the bone, before placing it in the oven for about five minutes
- Remove and coat again, then return to the oven for a further five minutes or until glazed and sticky
- Remove from the oven and give the rib one last coat of glaze to give a really glossy finish
- Next remove the sweet potato wedges from the oven
- Put the beef rib onto your chosen plate or board
- Place the sweet potato wedges in a dish, spoon on the kaleslaw and the sour cream, garnish with herbs and serve
Beer pairing:
Opposites attract and we suggest pairing this midly sweet beef dish with Titanic Brewery’s Plum Porter. The beer is dark, strong, rich and mellowed by the late addition of Goldings hops and natural plum flavouring, which also gives the brew an aromatic sweetness to compliment the BBQ glaze.