Conservative Party

Votes are up for grabs: BBPA CEO Emma McClarkin talks about some of the general election manifestos (credit: Getty/Adam Webb)

What will each political party do for pubs?

By Gary Lloyd

With the general election less than three weeks away, political parties have got put forward policies to help the on-trade if they want votes from the sector.

Recycling: Government is proposing a deposit scheme

Government proposes deposit scheme for bottles

By Michelle Perrett

The drinks industry is being asked for its views on how a deposit return scheme for glass, plastic and metal containers could work after the Government launched a consultation process on the issue.

Caution over business rates revise

Caution over business rates revise

By Emily Sutherland

The trade has given George Osborne’s shake-up of business rates a cautious welcome, despite some fears that squeezed councils will use pubs as ‘cash cows’ to generate extra income.

Tories confirm business rates review to 'back small firms'

general election

Tories confirm business rates review to 'back small firms'

By Ellie Bothwell

Prime Minister David Cameron has confirmed that the business rates review will “back small firms” by ensuring there is clearer billing, better communication and a more efficient appeal system.

Jeremy Browne expresses alcohol minimum pricing plan worries

Home Office minister expresses alcohol minimum pricing doubts

By Mark Wingett

Prime Minister David Cameron’s plan for a minimum price of 45p a unit for alcohol suffered an embarrassing blow when it emerged that the Minister responsible for alcohol and crime prevention thinks it is wrong, unfair and won’t work, according to the...

Neill: pubs minister since October

Mulholland presses for shadow pubs minister

By Lesley Foottit

Greg Mulholland has written to Labour leader Ed Miliband reiterating earlier requests for the appointment of a shadow pubs minister. The call came...

Brokenshire: responsible venues may be exempt from late night levy

Minimum pricing likely via bylaws

By John Harrington

Home Office minister James Brokenshire has given the clearest indication yet that councils could get powers to impose minimum pricing on alcohol...

Penrose with Prime Minister David Cameron

Alcohol licensing will remain with DCMS

By John Harrington

In an apparent U-turn, DCMS minister John Penrose gets the licensing brief. However, the Home Office will still have a say in some areas.

Clegg and Cameron: big plans for licensing

Home Office 'will control licensing'

By John Harrington

Control of licensing is to return to the Home Office under the new coalition Government, a senior Tory source has told the MA.

Collins: reform may not be until 2014

Market ahead of politicians

By Gemma McKenna

Laws forcing pubco reform may not see the light of day until April 2014, according to CGA Strategy chief executive Jon Collins. He highlighted the...

Tory leader David Cameron: backing calls fro reform of the pub industry

Conservatives back action on beer tie

By Ewan Turney

The Conservatives have backed calls for pubcos and brewers to offer tenants a free of tie option by June 2011 or face statutory regulation. The news...

Ellwood: wants to review bodies pubs need to work with

Tories stoke rumours of licensing shake-up

By John Harrington

The Conservatives want to "rationalise" the number of Government departments dealing with pubs — adding weight to rumours they'd put the Home...

Anne McIntosh: regular meetings at the Wetherspoon pub in Thirsk

Bitter bother for Tory MP at Wetherspoons

By Gemma McKenna

A Tory MP had half a pint of bitter thrown over her during a constituency meeting held in a pub in North Yorkshire. Anne McIntosh, a shadow minister...

Bish: licensing regime is too lax on off-trade

Trade fears Tory plans will hit pubs

By John Harrington

Trade chiefs fear the Conservative Party's hard-line plans for alcohol and licensing will mean more pub closures and penalise responsible operators....

Hunt (r) at the White Horse in Haselmere, Surrey

Tory campaign to save the pub

By John Harrington

The Conservative Party has launched a campaign to save the pub. A new petition on the party's website calls for: • Cutting taxes on lower-alcohol...



The delay of the general election carries mixed implications for the trade, says John Grogan MP My late father's political hero Harold Wilson's...



Who do you prefer: Gordon Brown or David Cameron? Suzie Dreja Royal Oak Southampton Hampshire I'm a Conservative at heart but after the Hug a Hoody...