
What's in the news 12 July?

Review of the Week

Cautious optimism for new Government

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington caught up with Market Taverns' Richard Peachment to get his take on the week's news, from the new Government to football hopes and trade confidence.

What's in the news 28 June?

Review of the Week

'Government policy is too shortsighted'

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's Ed Bedington caught up with podcaster and publican Heath Ball to get his take on the week's news.

What's in the news 31 May?

Review of the Week

‘Don’t listen to the forecasts!’

By Tom Easton

The Morning Advertiser’s Ed Bedington caught up with Thorley Tavern’s boss Phil Thorley for an audio chat on his take of the week’s goings ons, from election fever to the weather and the predictions for the summer ahead.

Paul Chase: a supporter of AV

Why publicans should vote 'yes' to AV

By Paul Chase, CPL Training

CPL Training's Paul Chase believes AV would make MPs more independent of the party line and more responsive to local needs.

Pub smoker targets Number 10

Pub smoker targets Number 10

A smoker from the North-East wants to become Prime Minister so he can continue to smoke in his local pub. Property developer Derek Platten has...

Electing to lobby

Electing to lobby

Daniel Pearce discusses the General Election with BBPA chief - and elections expert - Rob Hayward, and looks forward to the challenges facing the...