
Evolution rather than revolution: Simon Theakston

Profits and turnover rise at Theakston

By Gary Lloyd

Yorkshire-based brewer T&R Theakston has reported an 8% boost for its pre-tax profits in its annual report for the year ending 31 December 2023.

Triumph through adversity: turnover increased by 14% despite a third successive year “affected by external events”

New brands help Theakston return to profitability

By Gary Lloyd

Launching new ale brands has been a factor in increased turnover and profits at T&R Theakston, the Yorkshire-based brewery said in its annual report for its financial year ending 31 December 2022.

Theakston: Profits up 7.5%

Pre-tax profits rise 7.5% for Theakston

By John Harrington, M&C Report

Theakston, the North Yorkshire brewer, saw pre-tax profits rise 7.5% to £1.45m last year, despite seeing its duty bill increase to 48.3% of gross turnover.

The Big Interview: Paul Theakston

The Big Interview: Paul Theakston

By Phil Mellows

For four long years Paul Theakston had waited for this moment. Four years since Scottish & Newcastle had taken over his family business and he’d made the brave move to go it alone. Four years to conclude the deal on premises in his home town of Masham,...

Theakston: the brewer reported a 6% fall in turnover

Theakston slams PBD distortions

By MA Reporter

The UK ale market is being distorted by progressive beer duty benefit for microbrewers, Yorkshire brewer Theakston has argued. The brewer reported a...

Protz: welcomes Theakston's back home

Theakston's brewery comes home

By Roger Protz

Success can be a doubled-edged sword in the brewing industry, says Roger Protz. If you get too big and your beers achieve acclaim, there's always...