Tonic Water

You're hired: Lord Alan Sugar, right, has invested in a honey-based tonic water brand

Lord Sugar invests in tonic water company

By Emily Hawkins

Alan Sugar's investment company Amsvest will invest in a brand of tonic waters that use natural honey as a sweetener and are aimed at health-conscious consumers.

Recipe for success: three ideas for the perfect gin and tonic

In association with Fever-Tree

Three G&T serves you won’t be able to resist

By Nicholas Robinson

The humble gin and tonic; what can go wrong and what more can be done to such a simple drink? The answer to both questions is, actually, quite a lot.

Herbaceous accompaniments: keep your gin garnishes fresh

In association with Fever-Tree

How to grow a gin garnish garden

By Nicholas Robinson

Whether you’re growing them on the bar for staff to garnish drinks with or in your pub garden for consumers to pick and choose for themselves, a G&T garnish garden is a quirky way to create a bit of atmosphere and theatre.

My Pub Garden: the Castle Inn, Lulworth, Dorset

In association with Fever-Tree

My Pub Garden: ‘This is how we created a G&T Garden’

By Nicholas Robinson

Set in the idyllic Dorset countryside, the Castle Inn, in Lulworth, has a sprawling garden and a terrace ripe for drinking a quenching gin and tonic. But general manager David Hargreaves-Putt explains there’s even more going on beyond the pub’s boundaries.

Not so secret gardens: turn your beer garden into a G&T Garden

In association with Fever-Tree

How to create your own Gin Garden of Eden

By Nicholas Robinson

It is no surprise the once humble gin and tonic is in steep growth, buoyed by increasing demand for exciting premium tonics, the proliferation of which has undoubtedly helped kick-start the gin revolution. So why aren’t we celebrating this enchanting...

Well matched: the popular tonic waters have been canned as separate products

Adnams develops its own tonic water

By James Beeson

Family-owned brewery and distiller Adnams has produced its own tonic water to accompany its range of gins and vodkas.

How to avoid #ginproblems

International Gin and Tonic Day

Real #GinProblems pubs can help customers avoid

By Nicholas Robinson

Brits have taken to Twitter to vent their real-life and sometimes worrying gin problems, which range from no tonic to too much gin choice. Here are #GinProblems pubs can help their customers avoid this International Gin and Tonic Day.

New look: Schweppes overhauls design

Schweppes rebrands tonics and creates new flavours

By Nicholas Robinson

Tonic water brand Schweppes has overhauled its image and developed a new range of flavours, the biggest activity in its recent history, which will be backed by a £6.6m marketing campaign.

Do you know how to serve the perfect Hendrick's G&T?


Hendrick’s hits the road with serving lessons

By Nicholas Robinson

Hendrick’s is hitting the road and visiting 100 mainstream bars nationwide starting today (29 May), to show staff how to serve the cucumber- and rose-infused gin – with cucumber slices.

Fever Tree launches in India

Nick Clegg takes tonic water to India

By Robyn Black

They say you shouldn’t take coals to Newcastle or tea to China but posh soft drinks brand Fever Tree is taking tonic water to India.

Fever-Tree: new Mediterreanean tonic

Fever-Tree's vodka boost

By Robyn Black

Posh mixer brand Fever-Tree has developed a tonic water especially to go with vodka. The new Mediterranean Tonic Water is made with thyme and...

Walsh: no need for minimum pricing

Diageo: minimum pricing a blunt instrument

By Ewan Turney

Diageo bosses have hit out against minimum pricing of alcohol as a "pretty blunt instrument" for dealing with excessive drinking. The Scottish...

White Spirits

White Spirits

John Porter examines the thousand-year history of white spirits and offers licensees advice on how today's customers expect to have them served.While...