Training 'misconceptions' holding sector back
The research showed less than half (46.3%) of businesses offered apprenticeships at all career levels while more than 80% of employees believed there was less emphasis on training as they progressed through their careers.
Furthermore, more than half (58.5%) of the 1,000 participants surveyed were under the impression apprenticeships were only for school leavers with many stating they were unaware of the potential to diversify skillsets quickly and easily by training via an apprenticeship scheme throughout their professional lives.
Additionally, just a quarter of the employees surveyed saw apprenticeships as a viable training option for anyone at any stage of their career, though 77% said if they were offered a job with the prospect of doing an apprenticeship to develop their skills, they would take it.
Huge misconceptions
HIT Training managing director Jill Whittaker OBE said: “There are huge misconceptions around apprenticeships in the UK.
“Most employees believe they are only for those leaving school, and less than half of businesses offer this flexible training option to workers at all career stages, meaning there are great swathes of employees around the country with untapped potential talent, or who think they have no means to diversify their skills while remaining in with their current employer.
“At HIT Training, we’re dedicated to educating hospitality employers on the benefits apprenticeships can bring an entire workforce, not just new starters, such as improved wellbeing, better career progression and a more loyal team less likely to seek better opportunities elsewhere.”
Interestingly, 83.3% of felt it was important for senior level employees to undertake continued training and development courses, however, just 40.3% offered apprenticeships and training courses geared towards senior management.
Useful skillsets
Furthermore, more than a third of employees (35.1%) had always been interested in training but have not had the money available to undertake it outside of work.
However, HIT Training has aimed to make resources easily availble for both hospitality workers seeking lifelong career progression and employers experiencing staff shortages with the launch of its new toolkit, See V.
Tasked with looking beyond traditional experience-based CV’s and sharing insights from leading HR professionals, HIT Training has hoped See V will shine a lift on outdated perceptions regarding lifelong learning pathways and guide employers on how to spot signs of talent hiding within a hospitality team.
Whittaker added: “I urge anyone who’s interested in nurturing their team and wants to transform the ambition many employees harbour into useful skillsets to download our new See V toolkit.”