
Pring: interesting discussions ahead

90 days to reshape the trade

By Andrew Pring

The Campaign for Real Ale has stepped into the fray over the beer tie — to the dismay of the Fair Pint campaigners, says Andrew Pring.

Benner: will consider OFT super-complaint

Camra eyes OFT beer tie 'super complaint'

By Ewan Turney

The Campaign for Real Ale will approach the Office of Fair Trading about making a "super-complaint" about the operation of the beer tie to ensure a thorough investigation and swift resolution to the issue.

Luff: tight-lipped on recommendations

Pubco probe 'will urge OFT review'

By John Harrington

A senior pubco figure says it's a "racing certainty" the Parliamentary inquiry into pub companies will recommend the Office of Fair Trading...

Inez Ward (R) lodged the petition with husband Craig (L)

Gov: Contact OFT with pubco concerns

By Ewan Turney

The Government has told tenants who have examples of anti-competitive behaviour from their pubco to contact the Office of Fair Trading (OFT).



The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has cleared the merger of beer-flow monitor companies Brulines and Nucleus Data. Brulines chief executive James...

OFT gets tough over

OFT gets tough over

scam registration ads By The PMA Team The Office of Fair Trading has taken action against five companies sending scam letters to licensees demanding...