
What's in the news 28 June?

Review of the Week

'Government policy is too shortsighted'

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's Ed Bedington caught up with podcaster and publican Heath Ball to get his take on the week's news.

What's in the news 2 February?

'I'm flabbergasted at interest rates'

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington caught up with Camerons boss Chris Soley to get his take on the week's news, from government debate to interest rates and pub closures.

What's in the news 5 January?

Review of the Week

'We need to go to war on VAT'

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington met up with Oakman Group's Peter Borg-Neal to get his take on the week's news, from a knighthood for Sir Tim through to closures and Christmas trade.

What's in the news 25 August?

Review of the Week

'I don't feel represented'

By Ed Bedington

Top chef and pub and bistro operator Gary Usher calls for more passion from lobbyists, greater support for independent businesses, a reduction in VAT and talks about the challenges around recruitment in the MA's Review of the Week.

How is Tom Kerridge facing industry challenges?

Big Interview

Government needs to do more: Kerridge

By Ed Bedington

“There’s a huge amount the Government could and should be doing,” according to leading chef and pub operator Tom Kerridge, with a key issue being a reduction in VAT.

Budget offers puns but no support


Sadly, it's not a joke Mr Hunt

By Ed Bedington

“British ale is warm, but the duty on a pint is frozen” were the words uttered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt and the flippancy of his remark sums up the level of care this Government appears to have for the hospitality sector.

Very frustrating: VAT reduction number one thing the Government could do to support the sector says Bath Pub Company managing director Joe Cussens (pictured)

VAT reduction 'number one thing' Gov could do

By Rebecca Weller

The “number one thing” the Government could do to support the hospitality sector is reduce the rate of VAT to 10%, according to Bath Pub Company managing director Joe Cussens.

Autumn Statement fails pubs on VAT

Autumn Statement

Crumbs of comfort as VAT pleas ignored

By Ed Bedington

Well, we knew it was going to be grim, and any suggestion of support was going to be highly unlikely, but those who were hoping for VAT reform will have been left dismayed by the Chancellor's Autumn Statement.

The Morning Advertiser Lock In podcast episode 47

The Lock In Podcast

Will pubs get the support they need?

By Ed Bedington

The podcast team returns for season three of the award-winning (James's mum gave us a rosette) Lock In podcast and we get to grips with the challenges facing the sector.

What's in the news 1 July

The MA's Review of the Week

'Tax relief can help hospitality businesses to reinvest'

By Ed Bedington

Owner of the Veeno wine bar business, Rodrigue Trouillet shared his thoughts on the weeks news with the MA's Ed Bedington, from tax relief to the ongoing recruitment challenges.

Make-or-break moment: Government must give sector due consideration with proposed online tax (Credit: Getty/DragonImages)

UKH and BBPA call for online sales tax

By Rebecca Weller

UKHospitality (UKH) and the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) have shown support for the Government’s proposed online sales tax but warned the sector must be given due consideration to level the playing field and avoid double-taxation.

Is the pub sector too resilient?

Are we victims of our own tenacity?

By Ed Bedington

The pub sector has always been something of a survivor, adapting and rolling with the punches thrown at it, but are we now finding ourselves the victims of our own tenacity?

Death by a thousand cuts: as costs continue to rise pubs have been left with no breathing space following Covid and face a tough year (Credit: Getty/sturti)

Hospitality sector entering 'catastrophic period'

By Rebecca Weller

Pubs have had no breathing time following the pandemic as rising costs pose multiple challenges for operators who have survived by “the skin of their teeth” with the potential for a "catastrophic" and "very tough" year ahead, according...

Lower rate: VAT has been at 12.5% on food, soft drinks and accommodation since October 2021 (image: Getty/valiantsin suprunovich)

20% VAT hike comes into force

By Nikkie Thatcher

The return of a 20% VAT rate on food, accommodation and soft drinks is implemented from today (Friday 1 April).

Operators disappointed with Spring Statement: Chancellor's statement a

Spring Statement a 'bitter blow' for sector

By Rebecca Weller

Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement yesterday (Wednesday 23 March) a “bitter blow” for the sector as operators express disappointment with the Chancellor as he could have done more to ensure sustainability in the industry.

Hospitality 'disappointed' as no mention of VAT rate in Spring Statement

Spring Statement March 2022

Sunak silent on VAT in Spring Statement

By Amelie Maurice-Jones

The Chancellor made no reference to keeping the VAT rate at 12.5% permanently in the Spring Statement on Wednesday 23 March, meaning the rate will rise to 20% in April.

Truly punishing: 38% of operators cut trading hours to combat skyrocketing energy price increases (Credit: Getty/hit003)

Almost 40% of operators cut trading hours to combat rising costs

By Rebecca Weller

Almost two fifths of operators have been forced to cut trading hours to combat cost increases across the board, according to a poll conducted by trade organisations UKHospitality, the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII), the British Beer and Pub Association...

Are pubs fighting for support?

No time to sit on our hands

By Ed Bedington

And so, with screaming tyres and a whiff of burning (or is that hypocrisy), the Government has yanked on the handbrake and skidded us 180 degrees out of the pandemic.

Government ask: operators have also written to the Government, calling for the 12.5% VAT to remain in place (image: Getty/Galeanu Mihai)

Lower VAT remains operators' top ask for Spring Statement

By Nikkie Thatcher

Keeping the 12.5% VAT rate on food, soft drinks and accommodation is the most preferred ask from operators to the Government ahead of the Chancellor's Spring Statement next month (March), a flash survey has shown.

Operator reaction: 'a 5% reduction in duty is not even a drop in the ocean but it is good news,' says licensee of the Plough and Barleycorn in the Isle of Wight, Gav Young


'Pubs are now the sickly child of the high street'

By Gav Young, the Plough and Barleycorn, Isle of Wight

So the red tops are awash with pictures of Boris and Rishi holding pints aloft as they declare not only a duty freeze but a 3p reduction, of course there is much small print including the cut not coming into force until 2023 or, indeed, on kegs under...

What's in the news October 22

Cautious optimism for the future

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's Ed Bedington catches up with industry legend Peter Borg-Neal, chairman of the Oakman Group, to get his views on the news that have shaped the sector this week.

Tax change: the temporary reduced VAT rate of 5% will rise to 12.5% from 1 October (image: Getty/Jonathan Knowles)

Price of a pint could rise by 25p predicts Sacha Lord

By Nikkie Thatcher

Night-time economy adviser and operator Sacha Lord estimated prices of drinks will go up by between 7% and 10% with the average price of a pint set to rise by 25p, in line with the 7.5% VAT increase to cover the overall losses felt by operators.