
It's the Grandaddy

It's the Grandaddy

by The PMA Team The Good Beer Guide can lay claim to the title of Guide Grandad. First published in 1972, a year after Camra (Campaign for Real Ale)...

The heat is on

Beer and Food - The heat is on

Camra has announced that 2004 is the year of beer and food and is coming up with beer ideas for all food occasions. This month the organisation...

Make a week of it

Make a week of it

It's time to start planning for National Pubs Week in February 2004. Adam Withrington sees how to get the customers back after Christmas.As we hit...

Head to head

Head to head

CAMRA's latest calls for pub-goers to join in the full pint debate have brought the argument back into the spotlight. Kerry Rogan reportsThe debate...